Thank you.
Thank you for considering a financial gift to Hope Springs United Church. Your offerings are an important way you share in our life and mission together. Here is information about how you can give.
You can give to
our congregation's General Fund
the Residential Schools Healing Fund (learn more)
the United Church of Canada’s Mission & Service (learn more)
Project Welcome Refugee Sponsorship (learn more)
our Building Fund (major repairs and upgrades to our 150+ years-old building)
our Technology Fund (improving our ability to broadcast worship and other activities)
You can make a gift in a number of ways
Pre-authorized remittance
This is the most effective way to give. PAR is an automatic debit from your bank account. You decide the monthly gift you’d like to make - and you can adjust the amount if your circumstances change.
Your gift counts even on the Sundays you aren’t able to attend worship and allows us to plan ahead for our ministries.
Please connect with our treasurer, who will be glad to set you up on PAR
We’re happy to accept a gift by e-transfer. Your bank’s website will have information about how to set an e-transfer up. When signing up, please use this email for the payee:
You can give using a cheque made out to Hope Springs United Church. Please indicate on the memo line which fund(s) you want your gift to support and how much for each.
You can send cheques to
Hope Springs United Church | 75 Geddes Street | Elora, ON N0B 1S0.
Credit Card
We use Canada Helps, an online service that lets you donate using your credit card. Simply click on this link which will take you to our Canada Helps page.
We are very grateful for everyone who shares in financially supporting Hope Springs UC. This includes generous support through Waterloo Region Community Foundation.
Thank you!